International Conference on Analysis and Related Topics
(October 26-30, 2018, Nanjing, China)
l 几何分析
l 实分析和复分析
l 分形几何与分形分析
l 动力系统
l 偏微分方程
Analysis plays a fundamental role in both pure and applied mathematics. The primary goal of this conference is to provide a platform of academic exchange and collaboration, to survey related fields, report recent progress and discuss future developments in analysis.
The conference mainly concentrates on analysis and its applications. The topics include but not limited to
l Geometric Analysis;
l Real and Complex Analysis;
l Fractal Geometry and Fractal Analysis;
l Dynamical System;
l Partial Differential Equations.
学术委员会(Scientific Committee):
l 王斯雷(Silei, Wang),浙江大学(ZJU)
l 尤建功(Jiangong, You),南开大学(NKU)
l 文兰(Lan, Wen),北京大学(PKU)
l 文志英(Zhiying Wen),清华大学(THU)
l 田刚(Gang, Tian),北京大学(PKU)
l 刘家成(Ka-Sing, Lau),香港中文大学(CUHK),匹兹堡大学(PITT)
l 汤涛(Tao, Tang),南方科技大学(SUST),香港浸会大学(HKBU)
l 杨重骏(C. C. Yang),香港科技大学(HKUST)
l 陆善镇(Shanzhen, Lu),北京师范大学(BNU)
l 周向宇(Xiangyu, Zhou),中国科学院数学研究所(CAS)
l 夏志宏(Zhihong, Xia),南方科技大学(SUST)
l 程崇庆(Chongqing, Cheng),南京大学(NJU)
l 谢庭藩(Tingfan, Xie),中国计量大学(CJLU)
组织委员会(Organizing Committee):
l 秦厚荣(Hourong Qin),南京大学(NJU)
l 尹会成(Huicheng Yin),南京师范大学(NJNU)
l 张平(Ping Zhang),中国科学院数学研究所(CAS)
l 王宏勇(Hongyong Wang),信誉最好的20个网投网站(NJUE)
l 廖良文(Liangwen Liao),南京大学(NJU)
l 孙永忠(Yongzhong Sun),南京大学(NJU)
l 邱华(Hua Qiu),南京大学(NJU)
l 李军(Jun Li),南京大学(NJU)
l 吕勇(Yong Lv),南京大学(NJU)
Hosted by Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University;
School of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics
Conference Dates: October 26-30, 2018
Conference Venue: West Building, Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, Hankou Road 22, Nanjing, China
Accommodation: New Era Hotel, Zhongshan Road 251, Nanjing
Registration Date: October 26, 2018; Place: New Era Hotel
Other Information: No registration fee is required.
联系邮箱(Contact Email): ICA2018@nju.edu.cn